
I'm a fiber artist who loves working with cloth and paper, texture and color.  I have been making things since my earliest memories and was fascinated with my mother's sewing machine at a young age.  Encouraged to draw, paint and color and taken to museums as a child, I was very fortunate.  While I studied art in high school and a little bit in college, I found dance was my passion and pursued it and the piano.  Following college, I was a first grade teacher for several years, but It wasn't until I was 39 and the mother of three sons that I went back to school to study art.  My favorite classes were in art history and fibers as I pursued a masters degree in art education.  I had the opportunity to teach art for 18 years at the middle school level. While I was teaching, I created my own work and entered art shows, realizing the effort made me a better teacher.  Since retirement, I have made creating a priority.  My objective in creating this website is to document my work and share it with others. I can be reached at jennwax@gmail.com.